Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Windows Vista and RAW Metadata

There is apparently a problem with editing RAW metadata using Microsofts tagging tools in Vista. The problem being that it purportedly destroys Metadata in any RAW files edited. This problem is causing some users and News sites to take an I told you so stance, however I like any other user out there who relys on their data being kept intact are waiting for the lowdown from industry pundits before upgrading.

The reality of this situation is that this problem isn't one of Microsofts making, but one caused by all the unique versions of file formats out there from every Camera manufacturer. Look into RAW files and the lack of a standard for the cause of this problem.

To be perfectly frank, if you are using the tools found in an OS to do this rather than professional tools, then you're a big fool. If you are feeling like you want to live on the edge by being an early adopter, then you just might bleed a little more than you need to. Before jumping on the anti-Microsoft bandwagon take some time to learn about real workflows rather than assume that users are stupid enough to use stock tools for professional purposes. This is an issue for more than just Microsoft, please, please, if you're going to post a bug notice like this get your facts straight and put it in context rather than just come off sounding like a fanboy taking a poke.

Bottom line is ... If you have to edit the Metadata in your RAW files do it using a professional App. Preferably one created by the manufacturer of your digital camera. Likewise, if you want to upgrade to a new OS, please, please make sure the apps you use on a day to day basis are fully supported in that OS. Do your research...

This post was prompted by posts at several sites describing a bug in Vista which may destroy the Metadata in Camera RAW files. If you want to see the articles which prompted this post visit Gizmodo and News.com. This Microsoft Knowledgebase article has further and more relevant info...

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