Wacom announced two new members to their Cintiq family last week. The Cintiq 12WX and Cintiq 20WSX offer onscreen editing for tablet fans, artists, photographers and imageers. The Cintiq 12WX offers a resolution of 1,280 x 800, and has a street price of $999. The Cintiq 20WSX, is the world's first wide-format desktop pen display with a 1680x1050 resolution. This makes it ideal for those who prefer to work with a 16:10aspect ratio and has an SRP of $1,999.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Wacom Cintiq 12WX and Cintiq 20WSX
Wacom announced two new members to their Cintiq family last week. The Cintiq 12WX and Cintiq 20WSX offer onscreen editing for tablet fans, artists, photographers and imageers. The Cintiq 12WX offers a resolution of 1,280 x 800, and has a street price of $999. The Cintiq 20WSX, is the world's first wide-format desktop pen display with a 1680x1050 resolution. This makes it ideal for those who prefer to work with a 16:10aspect ratio and has an SRP of $1,999.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Creative Photoshop - Digital Illustration and Art Techniques
Author: Derek Lea
Focal Press - http://www.focalpress.com/
ISBN: 9780240520469
SRP: US$ 39.95 UK£22.99
Award winning illustrator Derek Lea has penned this excellent reference book for Focal Press. His illustration work is a unique combination of original photography, traditional illustration, and digital art. In Creative Photoshop, Derek uses his extensive experience with Photoshop to produce a series of tutorials which will give readers a nice balance of inspirational imagery and technical insight.
The book can be divided into four sections, the first which deals with traditional illustrative techniques such as drawing, painting and colouring. In this section Derek tackles the creation, definition and use of brushes, how to use Shapes and layers., emulating the look of graffiti and stencil art and how to trace photographic imagery to create illustrations. It also details several techniques for creating illustrations from sketches and retro art based stock. This section is completed by taking a look at colouring a comic based illustration.
The second section consists of coverage of unconventional illustrative techniques and methods. The first example uses thermal fax paper and a hairdryer to artificially age paper and also makes good use of scanned images and layering effects. The examples include the use of xerography, creating urban lowbrow art although a short section it provides some very cool solutions for creating effective and colourful imagery quickly.
The third section covers the creation of illustrative photography and includes one of his more famous tutorials which covers the blending of architectural source materials with a models face, to create a striking image. Subsequent examples provide solutions for emulating a 3D ribbon peel away effect, artificially ageing a portrait and creating a dark, moody and surrealistic image of a person peeling back their skin from a selection of different source materials. These images are a lot more complex than I have described, but you’ll just have to buy the book to see what I mean.
The fourth and final part covers the use of Photoshop in combination with other software. This primarily centers on the use and enhancement of 3D imagery. The last two chapters detail the use and editing of vector illustrations and details their use as elements in the creation of illustrations. My favourite chapter details the creation of a morphing pattern based upon the work of Max Ernst. All told Creative Photoshop is an excellent book from one of the best creatives in the industry.
Cons: Not for beginners.
Pros: Well written. Easy to follow. CD based tutorials and content. Creative and Imaginative.
Derek Lea succeeds with this excellent book, because he brings to bear his extensive practical experience with Photoshop and the other tools in his arsenal to create some very practical and creative solutions to tasks illustrators, imageers and designers will experience in their day to day work. Highly Recommended
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I-O data Launch Tough 16 GB Flash Drive
Monday, November 19, 2007
Adobe Photoshop CS3 A-Z
Publisher: Focal Press
ISBN: 9780240520650
Price: US$29.95 - UK£17.99
As far as reference books for photoshop CS3 are concerned, Focal Press have been really busy the last few months. This book by Phillip Andrews isn't a tutorial book, it's a lavishly illustrated and in-depth reference which covers pretty much every feature in Photoshop CS3. It does a thorough job of explaining the use of all the tools and even begins with a very nice step by step section which I would have like to see more of... The rest of the book provides an excellent and easy reference for anyone who ever wanted a manual with Photoshop CS3. It is both comprehensive and extremely easy to follow. Highly Recommended
Virtual Vixens: 3D Character Modelling and Scene Placement
The book continues with several excellent workshops which focus on software and techniques for refining these characters and models. This book could have demonstrated just how far the technology has come in recent years but instead provides a solid groundwork for anyone interested in the techniques and tools currently being used. The one thing which stands out in this book is the importance of having excellent photo reference, both as source material and as textures. Virtual Vixens is worth a look, but don't expect it to show you anything groundbreaking unless you're a beginner.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Adobe Release Photoshop CS3 & Bridge CS3 Updates
Click on the following links for the Mac and Windows updates.
The Bridge 2.1.1 update, includes a new preference, which enables High Quality Preview in the Bridge Preferences - Advanced panel. "When enabled, the preference addresses the problem of a soft or blurry preview appearing in the Preview panel and in Slideshow mode. The Bridge update also remedies other problems reported by users, including a problem that could cause Bridge to lock up when using arrow keys to navigate."
Click on the following links for the Mac and Windows updates.
onOne Release New Pro Tools
Adobe Update Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw
Monday, November 12, 2007
Plustek OpticFilm 7300
Manufacturer: Plustek
System Requirements: CD-ROM Drive
One available USB Port
512 MB RAM
500 MB free HDD space
High Color graphic card (VGA or higher)
CPU: Pentium III or faster CPU
Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP / Vista Compatible
CPU: PPC G4, PPC G5, Intel
MAC 10.3.9 and higher including Leopard
SRP: £169.99 US $369.95
Over a year ago I reviewed the Plustek 7200i, when I was offered the 7300, I was intrigued to find out what the updated model would have to offer. The Plustek Optic film is aimed squarely at the amateur and and enthusiast. Although it features 7200 dpi high resolution scanning and basic dust and scratch removal, it misses on some crucial capabilities such as support for more transparency and negative formats. However the added capability for multiple exposures of a single image source makes up for what is missing. So how good is the 7300, and how does it live up to the requirements of converting your slides and negs into digital equivalents.
The OpticFilm 7300 is priced at £145 excluding VAT, and with an even lower price point than its predecessor, I expected to be let down, I was however please by how little was of issue. The 7300 was easy to install and use. Scanning with it is as easy as ever and with the slide viewer embedded in the top of the unit, it was truly a pleasure to work with.
Like the 7200, SilverFast software is bundled with the scanner and it is extremely easy to use. Also included is LaserSoft Imaging’s latest SilverFast SEPlus 6.5 ME image editing software, which provides a powerful scan with high-quality results. Like the 7200i it is relatively fast for scanning clean negs and slides, however scanning times go way up when you try to use silverfast and the annoying muddying introduced in this process is still problematic and give some detail a soft watercolour look.
The scans produced are pretty good, and although I like the ability to select the type of film being scanned although the range of products supported were still not sufficiently expanded to handle all the film types I had in my collection. Like the 7200i, I had to guess on a couple of OEM based film brands and their ideal profiles.
Two film carriers are provided and support both film and slides. I still think the carriers needed to have a more secure fit, still, I found no issues with the resulting scans, because of this.
Unlike the 7200i detail in the highlights and shadows was not blown out, due to the multiple exposure feature. I would recommend this scanner for the enthusiast and amateur who needs high resolution but the dynamic range is still in need of improvement.
For the amateur this unit is a real steal, dedicated film scanners of similar capabilities can cost much, much, more. The 7300's clean looks and ease of use makes it an attractive option.
Slow scanning in high resolution. No support for larger negs and transparencies.
Easy to set up and use. Small footprint. High optical resolution and good detail. Surprisingly low price. Multiple Exposure mode is a much welcome addition.
For the amateur photographer who wants a cheap scanner to scan their slides and negs, this unit is a perfect option. It, like its predecessor is easy to install and even easier to use. I highly recommend the Plustek Opticfilm 7300 for the amateur photographer and enthusiast.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Phil Askey - PMDA Person of the Year
Silver Oxide Intro Orthochromatic Filter
Until 1925, Hollywood studios used orthochromatic Eastman Standard Negative stock. Orthochromatic film was only sensitive to the brightest natural light, so large ultraviolet lamps had to be used during shooting. It also registered only blue light, so anything colored red showed up on the film as black.
Silver Oxide produce excellent digital filters which do an excellent job of emulating classic Black and White films. The new generation of SilverOxide filters also work as Smart Filters in CS3. For more info and demos visit SilverOxide.
GWG Photography White Paper on Printing
It's a good read ... download it and other papers here.Considering the wide variety in image and file formats, correct implementation of color management and standards is essential to ensure that quality is maintained from the original capture to the final print. The GWG recommends using the guidelines for digital photography projects for print..
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Plugin Galaxy 2
HDR Labs Release The HDRI Book
The HDRI Handbook is now available from O'Reilly Press. This book delves into the niceties of High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI) and is filled with practical hints and tips, software evaluations, workshops, and hands-on tutorials. The book also has an accompanying DVD which includes HDRI software. This book was written by Christian Bloch, who is an acclaimed Visual Effects Artist and who has been working professionally in the field for years. His work can be seen in StarTrek:Enterprise, Smallville, Invasion, Lost, 24, and a growing number of movies and commercials. He is a pioneer in the practical application of HDRI in post-production, specifically under the budgetary and time restraints of TV production. Any photographer, CG artist, compositor, or cinematographer would do well to pick this up... for more info visit HDR Labs
Monday, October 29, 2007
Aperture Updated To Version 1.5.6
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Adobe Photoshop CS3 for Photographers, by Martin Evening
Published by: Focal Press
ISBN: 0-240-52028-9
Requires: N/A
MSRP: US$46.95, UK£29.95
Having reviewed previous editions of books in this series from excellent photographer, Martin Evening, I had come to expect very high standards from this latest in the "... for Photographers" series. Adobe Photoshop CS3 for Photographers doesn't disappoint. Taking you through CS3 in color coded and well formatted sections, it provides an easy-to-follow, in-depth and knowledgeable reference for even the most well-versed digital photographers and imageers.
The book has been rewritten from scratch since the CS2-based edition. Evening does a good job of covering everything that's new in Adobe Photoshop CS3 compared to previous versions of Photoshop, while also looking into the essential features for any imageer and photographer. Adobe Photoshop CS3 for Photographers is firmly positioned as a reference work for the professional Photoshop CS3 user whose main area of work is related to digital photography. The absence throughout the book of any platform bias is also nice, so you'll find almost equal attention paid to both Mac and Windows key bindings and other information.
Each of the 15 chapters takes you through its chosen subject matter from the basics through to more advanced features and applications. Chapters 1-3 are an introduction to the new features and differences that appear in Adobe Photoshop CS3 along with a look at the changes in the user interface. They also feature a look at the basic tool sets and how to use them, which includes a look at Adobe Bridge, drawing tools and some of the basic methods of working with images.
Chapters 4, 5 & 6 look into the process of making adjustments and corrections to images as well as the acquisition of images through Camera RAW and Bridge. They continue with a look at the process of making fine adjustments and image corrections using the healing brush and other tools as well as adjustment layers and layer masks.
Chapters 7 and 8 deal with image retouching and methods of using the tools in CS3 for further enhancing images using layers, cloning and brushes. Layers, Selections and Masks are amongst the most useful and powerful of features in Photoshop and are actually well deserving of an entire book dedicated just to them. One of the most useful examples provided is one where the author has used a sequence of shots of the same scene to remove unwanted people by using the automatic alignment and image stack capabilities. The extraction of image elements using a variety of tools is also quite thoroughly covered and to great effect.
Chapter 9 takes a look at replicating traditional darkroom effects in CS3. Effects such as Solarization, Split toning, black & white from color, duo-tones, infrared emulation, cross processing, and the use of gradient maps. Chapter 10 takes a closer general look at the use of Photoshop's built in filter to further enhance your images.
Chapters 11 and 12 explain many of the intricacies of image and color management. While the former is handled largely through the use of Bridge, the latter is a bit trickier. Although color management can be handled to some extent using software, the use of hardware based calibrators can augment this substantially.
Chapters 13 and 14 continue with a look at the world of output with printing and web-based output both considered in some detail. In the former the different factors affecting the accuracy and longevity of your photographic prints are considered along with calibration and configuration. In the latter the web capabilities of Photoshop CS3 are covered with attention paid to file optimization and types, watermarking and gallery creation.
Chapter 15 completes the book with a look at the powerful automation capabilities built into Photoshop CS3, with coverage of actions, droplets and some of the plug-ins and scripts that come with Photoshop CS3.
Although an excellent and fairly comprehensive title, This volume does suffer due to a timing issue, it doesn't cover the excellent Adobe Capture Raw (ACR) 4.1 update, which was released after the book was published. However, there is an update on the website.
Cons: No coverage of ACR 4.1
Pros: Excellent Layout and information. Comprehensive and with no platform bias. This excellent, well-formatted book and its companion DVD containing video tutorials and extra chapters, serve both amateur and professional digital photographers, imageers and graphic artists. It is highly recommended and a must-have for your reference library.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Grubba Software Announces TrueGrain
TrueGrain effectively uses these samples to recreate the look and feel of the film type being emulated. With features like Spectral Response, Dynamic Range and Film Grain controls this is a truly powerful and simple tool to use. The tool looks to be a worthy addition to the arsenal of any digital photographer however it is only available for Mac OS. For more information, to view a video or to download a demo visit Grubba SoftwareThe TrueGrain software contains a library of grain samples and profiles for a number of classic film stocks, some of which are no longer available and are unlikely to be available in the future.
“People have been fooling around with techniques for recapturing the look of film for a while now, but most of these attempts have been tentative and generic in both thrust and result,” said Martin Doudoroff, Grubba Software collaborator. “We think TrueGrain goes quite a bit further through its empirical approach: high resolution film grain samples and meticulous databases of measurements. Our approach is brute force, but it produces the kind of results professionals are looking for. And our software makes it all quite accessible.”
Alien Skin Announces Exposure 2
The variety of films you can simulate with Exposure 2 is truly impressive. With this excellent tool you can match the look of popular film stocks like Portra®, Velvia®, Kodachrome®, Polaroid®, TRI-X®, Agfa® Scala®, GAF® 500, and Kodak® EES.
The capability to emulate the distinctive look of film grain is awesome and has been improved over the capabilities in Exposure 1, Version 2 gives you the most realistic grain on the market, providing you with control over sharpness, colour variation, and intensity throughout the images entire tonal range. Exposure 2’s grain size automatically adjusts to your image size, providing you with consistent and accurate results across all of your cameras.
There are over 300 effects presets in Exposure 2, including push and cross processing, a vastly improved infrared simulator, and sophisticated colour to black and white conversion.
Exposure 2 simplifies your workflow by providing control over colour, dynamic range, softness, and grain control into one easy-to-use plug-in. Use it to correct a colorcast, soften a digital portrait, or tweak contrast with the powerful slider and curve controls. You can also create your own presets that help you define your own signature look allowing you to recall and apply it at will.
For more information and to download a demo, visit Exposure 2
ACDSee 10 Photo Manager Announced
ACDSee 10 Photo Manager is available for a free 30-day trial and for purchase for $49.99 (USD) at http://www.acdsee.com/. Users can bundle this program with ACDSee Photo Editor for the combined price of $79.99 (USD). Photo Editor is the companion software that helps users of any skill level, enhance photos and create their own digital layouts to print and share.
DxO Optics Pro v5 Software
Noise reduction is performed upfront, before noise has a chance to be amplified by the RAW conversion process. Combined with other proprietary techniques, the new RAW Engine promises to produce both the most detailed and most natural looking images yet. According to DxO Labs, the new RAW conversion engine has been fine-tuned and optimized with the rest of the software’s automated image enhancement features (optical corrections, colour rendering, exposure optimization, highlight recovery, etc.) to produce best-in class results.
DxO Optics Pro v5 now incorporates a new tool to remove dust and blemishes from any digital image. Once dust and blemishes have been marked by the user, DxO Optics Pro v5 can automatically process any number of images with this particular dust/blemish template.
DxO Optics Pro v5 features a revamped User Interface which promises to improve workflow and ease of use. The tools are organized into four main sections that match the photographer’s approach: Light, Colour, Geometry, Details.
Users of DxO Optics Pro v5 can also customize their workspace to their particular way of working or choose to keep the tool organization of the previous version. DxO Optics Pro’s powerful project and preset functions have also been overhauled for increased ease of use and functionality.
Increased speed and camera support, benefiting from an entire rewrite using Microsoft’s .NET and Apple’s ObjC-Cocoa technologies, DxO Optics Pro v5 will be up to four times faster than version 4.0. DxO Optics Pro v5 for Windows should be available at the end of October 2007, with the Macintosh version available approximately one month later.
DxO Optics Pro v5 will be available in Standard and Elite versions at pricing unchanged from version 4.5: DxO Optics Pro v5 Standard: $169 DxO Optics Pro v5 Elite: $299
Visit DxO Labs online at http://www.dxo.com/
Thursday, September 20, 2007
ACDSee Release New Pro Photo Software Solution
ACDSee Pro 2’s features enhanced processing power and performance which allows speedy viewing and handling of large RAW files. File manipulation is facilitated through features which nclude: the cutting and pasting of RAW photo settings, one-step rotating and cropping, and recovery of up to two stops of lost highlight detail with their Highlights Recovery slider. RAW files can be simultaneously exported to up to 14 different formats and multiple resolutions also included is the capability to rename, resize and embed colour profiles.
Cataloguing images using ACDSee Pro 2’s is even easier with improved metadata handling which includes automated metadata-based file sorting, advanced browsing capabilities such as “Group By,” “Filter By” and “Events View,” and read/write capabilities for both XMP sidecar files and digital negatives (DNG). Enhanced editing is supported via tools such as opacity and blending, channel mixer, and their patent-pending shadow and highlight controls.
For more information visit the ACDSee Pro2 product page...
Saturday, September 08, 2007
RAW Product Announcements
Phase One announced the beta release of Capture One 4, this is a new application building on cutting-edge technology, a new architecture, and what users found best from previous generations of Capture One. The beta is available now at no cost until November 1. Capture One 4 is available for Windows XP (SP2) and Vista and Mac OS 10.4.8 (or higher) platforms. Visit Phase One for more information.
Ichikawa Soft Laboratory have updated Silkypix Developer Studio to version 3.0.12 adding support for the Canon EOS 40D, visit the Silkypix product page for more information
Corel Announces Paint Shop Pro Photo X2
Other improvements include, Layer Styles, Makeover Tools, Auto-Preserve Originals and Crop as New Image. For more information please visit Corel. Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 will be available for a suggested retail price of US$99.99.
onOne Announces PhotoTools and PhotoTools Professional Edition
"combined/stacked together in a layer-like configuration as well as save theirPhotoTools replicates many traditional photographic filters and darkroom techniques.
favorite combinations as presets to be used in the future."
"PhotoTools and PhotoTools Professional Edition will faithfully reproduce camera
filters like neutral density, color correction and polarization as well as
darkroom techniques and alternative processes like solarization, cyanotype and
palladium printing as well as many paper toners. PhotoTools even includes cinema
looks popularized by Hollywood movies."
Phototools includes over 150 effects, whilst the Professional Edition adds over 100 more. PhotoTools 1.0 is available for a retail price of US$159.95 and PhotoTools Professional Edition will retail price for US$259.95.
Photoshop Express Shown At Photoshop World
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Microsoft Release Beta HD Photo plug-ins for Photoshop
HD Photo is a free download for bothWindows and Mac. Microsoft and the JPEG Group recently announced that they have begun the process of standardizing HD Photo as a new variant of JPEG. HD Photo will most likely become known as JPEG XR.
Nikon Announce New Compacts
Ricoh Announce New R7
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Focus On Digital Art Masters: Volume 2
3D Total and Focal Press
US $39.95 UK £22.99
This is a title which takes a case study based look at the world of Digital Graphics and Art. I was pleasantly surprised to get this book as just the week before I had place it on my to-buy list. Digital Art Masters 2 is without a doubt an example of the kind of showcase based publication that both pros and enthusiasts will enjoy. Page after page focuses on showcasing some prime examples of work from some of the best artists in the industry.
The 3D renderings showcased here were mind blowing, there were examples which looked like paintings produced by some of the old masters, and others which look like the real thing. The 2D based illustrations don't dissappoint with examples from Benita Winckler, Hoang Nguyen and Mikko Kikkunen leading the pack. What I really appreciated was the work showing how 3D and 2D skills can be combined to create some incredible imagery.
Page after page of this book made me as an artist feel inspired and challenged by the work of my fellow imageers. If for no other reason than to add this book to your library of Artbooks you won't go wrong ... Highly Recommended. Buy it, it's well worth the price.
Nikon Unveil Full Frame D3 & new D300
The D300 also features a 12 megapixel CMOS sensor, albeit a 1.5x FCF, 14-bit A/D conversion, EXPEED image processor, sensitivity up to ISO 6400, HDMI video output, UDMA CF support and the 3.0" Live View Display. The D300 should be available in November, at around US$1800.
Visit DPReview for more info...
Canon Announce New Cameras and Lenses
Monday, August 06, 2007
ImageTrends Announce Sensor Kleen
When they announced SensorKleen SmartBrush™ back in March ’07 at PMA Image Trends indicated that the Pro version would be available later in the year. True to their word they are making it available and are crediting the original purchase price of the SensorKleen SmartBrush towards the purchase of SensorKleen Pro. They are actually giving the user a free upgrade to SensorKleen Pro, saving them the $50 difference in price as a customer loyalty benefit.
In June of this year they also announced the PearlyWhites™ and ShineOff™ Plug-Ins. At the time they stated that the Mac versions would be available soon. Based on market reaction to these products the Mac OSX delivery was pushed up. With the products being made available with immediate effect. For more info visit Image Trends...
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
DFT Announce Power Stroke 1.0
"Based on the concepts of luminance-weighted chrominance blending and fast intrinsic distance computations, Power Stroke produces high quality results at a fraction of the complexity and computational cost of previous techniques." From what I can see DFT have created yet another easy to use and useful tool for imageers and photographers.
Power Stroke is based on research and technology by Liron Yatziv and Guillermo Sapiro from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota, and is exclusively licensed by Digital Film Tools. For more information visit Digital Film Tools.
Ballistic Publishing Releases Expose 5
All editions of EXPOSÉ 5 are available for immediate shipping.EXPOSÉ 5 is available in three editions: Hard Cover (USD$55); Soft Cover (USD$65); and Limited Edition (USD$145). The Limited Edition release includes an additional 16 pages of artist profiles and eight Limited Edition prints, unavailable with the Hard Cover or Soft Cover editions. Go to the Ballistic website to flick through the entire book at
Ballistic Publishing.
Friday, July 20, 2007
DFT Announce Power Mask 1.0
Power Mask is based on unpublished research and technology by Jue Wang from the University of Washington and is exclusively licensed by Digital Film Tools. For more information visit Digital Film Tools
Corel Update Painter X
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
PictoColor Releases iCorrect Editlab Pro 5.5
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Focus on Filter Forge
Filter Forge - http://www.filterforge.com/
Stand Alone and Photoshop Plug-in
Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows 2000, Windows Vista
Basic $99, Standard $199, Pro $299
I am a big fan of the work being done by third party Photoshop Plug-in creators and have a sizeable collection of plug-ins. When Filter Forge came to my attention a few weeks back, I dropped a line to the creators of this interesting and powerful tool to request a copy for review. What I experienced with this really cool tool brought a smile to my face.
Filter Forge is exactly what it sounds like, a tool for producing and applying filters and procedural textures, and a whole lot more besides. Filter Forge comes in 3 versions, a $99 Basic edition provides unlimited access to the Filter Library but cannot create filters. The $199 Standard edition allows photographers and graphic artists create their own filters, including effects, textures, distortions, patterns, backgrounds, and frames.
The $299 Professional edition was designed with the needs of 3D-content and game creators in mind. Providing support and features useful in architectural visualization, 3D Rendering and Design and includes support for bitmaps as large as 65000x65000 pixels, 16- and 32-bit images, and floating point based file formats such as OpenEXR and PFM.
I was fortunate to be able to review the Pro edition and was extremely impressed by the performance and the range of filters available via the online filter library. Once accessed and downloaded you can transport your filters with relative ease however you do need an Internet connection which will give you access to well over 2000 filters and textures.
The creation of filters is facilitated via a visual node-based editor which is both extremely powerful and quite easy to use once you can get your head around the concept. Filters are created visually by connecting components in a flow diagram to combine effects and functions. Available components include Brightness / Contrast, Channels, Gradients, Noise, Colour Adjustments, Distortions, Patterns, Curves, Curve Operations, Image Processing Controls and much more. For Pro-Level users this is a very powerful and welcome tool.
The editor allows the user to create some very useful tools and effects, and one of the best features of this tool is the ability for users to be able to share their created filters online via the free filter library. The only omission in this powerful is support for user definable formulae - something for the future I guess...
For the Animator, designer and texture creator, the ability to create seamless and resolution independent textures and patterns. Add the capability for creating bump and normal maps and you have a really useful production tool.
The filters are also resolution independent and capable of some many effects that you'll find yourself suffering from option paralysis. There is even a Randomizer which shakes things up a bit by allowing you to generate filters on the fly.
Core features and technology include support for Dual-core CPU's, HDRI Images, 8, 16 and 32 Bit image modes, Floating point file formats and a really useful smart anti aliasing feature which uses antialiasing only where, and when it is needed.
The only drawback for many users will be the cost, but this is somewhat silly when you bear in mind that the Pro filter is aimed at pro level users and that the average imageer doesn't really have a need for the advanced capabilities the editor and pro feature will afford.
Support is excellent with an extensive online help system and very active online user forums. The overall tone on the forums is one of cooperation and reveals a real sense of community, with contributors even offering to share credits with other users...
Cons. Price. Learning curve for the Filter Editor.
Pros - Easy to use. Powerful, Scalable. Excellent Support, Large number of filters.
As a tool Filter Forge really has no equal, it is more than just a single effect tool, it is a library of effects and treatments that work as both a Photoshop Plug-in and also as a stand alone application. I found it both powerful and easy to use. This is one tool any imageer, artist and photographer should have in their toolbox. Highly recommended.
NY Looking At Licensing Public Photography
"New rules being considered by the would require any group of two or more people who want to use a camera in a single public location for more than a half hour to get a city permit and insurance. The same requirements would apply to any group of five or more people who plan to use a tripod in a public location for more than 10 minutes, including the time it takes to set up the equipment. Julianne Cho, assistant commissioner of the film office, said the rules were not intended to apply to families on vacation or amateur filmmakers or photographers." Tell that to an over eager jobsworth ... the potential for abuse could be there.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Adobe updates Lightroom to 1.1
Sunday, June 24, 2007
REALVIZ® HDR Imaging Studio Released
Stitcher 5.6, enables users to build HDR panoramas and directly export them as environment maps for use in their favorite 3D package. VTour 1.2 HDR now allows digital content creators, for the first time ever, to add depth information to their HDR environment maps for Spatial Image-Based Lighting (SIBL). REALVIZ HDR Imaging Studio is available in English for Windows®. REALVIZ are currently offering 15% discount on purchases of the HDR Imaging Studio bundle until 30. June 2007. For more info visit REALVIZ
DOP Update Their Fine Art Paper Directory
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Focal Press Announce A Bevy of PS CS3 & Lightroom Books
First up is Martin Evenings, Adobe Photoshop CS3 for Photographers. Which has been rewritten and completely reworked from the ground up.
As a professional photographer his book reflects the latest insight into how to get the best out of Photoshop CS3 as part of a photographic workflow. No other book puts the photographer first in this way. It's packed full of all the latest features and instructive info on key elements from configuring to automating Photoshop, to save valuable time which photographers can then spend taking images. Martin Evening passes on his famous techniques and professional experience in this commanding and authoritative, best-selling resource.
Coming this month are: How to Cheat in Photoshop CS3 by master of satirical montage, Steve Caplin, Photoshop for Video by Richard Harrington, plus Mark Galer and Philip Andrews' Photoshop CS3 Essential Skills.
In July…. Philip Andrew's Adobe Photoshop CS3 A-Z and in August… Derek Lea's Creative Photoshop: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques, covering Photoshop CS3, plus Black and White in Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop Lightroom by Leslie Alsheimer, and How to Cheat in Adobe Flash CS3 by artist and animator, Chris Georgenes.
Then in September, Richard Lynch The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book: Harnessing Photoshop's Most Powerful Tool, covering Photoshop CS3, and finally Producing Flash CS3 Video by award winning designer John Skidgel.
Should be plenty of info there to keep even the most experienced of us happy.
AKVIS Updates Noise Buster
The Online Photographer Goes Dot Com
Bibble Pro 4.9.8 Released
Canon Updates Digital Photo Professional for Windows
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Nikon To Unveil Next Gen DSLR?
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Google Acquire Panoramio
CS3 OS-X Firewall Bug
LightRoom Journal Posts Info on 1.1 Update.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Digital Restoration From Start to Finish - Review
Digital Restoration From Start to Finish - Photo-Repair.com
Author: Ctein - Ctein.com
Publisher: Focal Press - Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier
480 pages
ISBN: 0-240-80814-2
US $39.95 UK £24.99
Having recovered and restored many photos over the years, it was with great interest that I requested "Digital Restoration From Start to Finish" for review. It like several other titles I have recently reviewed from Focal Press are hefty and well presented reference books.
Ctein is a photographer and imageer who has served the online imaging and photo community for many years, offering both his valuable expertise and keen insights. His work in photography and computers has established him as an expert in photographic arts and technologies. He is recognised by Kodak as one of the foremost colour print makers in the world.
The book itself is an insightful and well presented work which reflects both the skill and passion Ctein has placed into his field of expertise. It begins by covering many of the tools, technologies and issues which have to be considered before beginning to repair and restore any photos. The software covered is largely cross-platform in nature; however several of the tools featured are only available for Windows.
Ctein has arranged the book to work in a kind of project centric structure so that readers can pick and chose the information they want to use. The book covers how to prepare and clean images for scanning and also provides some excellent tips on how to scan different materials for the best results.
The book continues with coverage on how to restore colour, improve skin tones, repair scratches, tears, stains and other issues. The information available is quite in depth and to be honest it might lose the less proficient imageer. As Photoshop is used throughout the book I recommend that you at least develop a decent level of familiarity with this tool.
The last sections of the book are devoted to how to profile your printer, black and white toning, display and storage of prints for longevity and digital archiving. Although pretty good these sections are a little thin on the ground and could have done with some expansion, especially in light of how detailed the rest of the reference is.
Overall I enjoyed this excellent book as I work with a lot of analogue media. However I would like to see this book rewritten in part to include media which has digital origination. That would in my mind complete this otherwise excellent volume.
Cons - Little Coverage of the process of recovering badly degraded Digital Images. No CD with images and materials for the tutorials.
Pros - Professional and extensive coverage of the issues surrounding handling old and damages materials and photos. Comprehensive. Highly Technical.
Ctein has produced an excellent reference which will teach even the most experienced of us a trick or two. It is a highly technical and comprehensive look at the issues which will affect the restoration of old and damaged images and also one which offers much in the way of effective solutions for the imageer to use in solving these problems. Highly recommended.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Filter Forge Release Photoshop Filter Suite
Uwe Steinmueller Video on Digital Imaging Tech
Public Beta of Fluid Mask 3
There are several new brush tools and an improved "Localized Edge Detection System" which enables users to perform more detailed edge finding and more refined blending. The new "Patch" system allows users to make localized changes. For more information and to download the public beta, visit Vertus Tech
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Kata Release Visible Dust Sensor Loupe
Monday, May 21, 2007
Lightzone 3.0 Released
Working with Styles (aka templates)
History palette
New Relight tool (aka ToneMapper)
Editing of some key metadata fields
New Lift Tool
I'm very keen to give 3.0 a try but you can read more about it's new capabilities over at DOP
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Akvis Enhancer 6.0 Released
To try out Akvis Enhancer and find out more information visit Akvis.com
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Amazon Acquires DPReview
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Nik Software Announce Dfine 2.0
The creation and sharing of your own profiles, with the use of a precise auto profiling system or through the manual creation of a noise reduction profile.
Profiles can be automatically loaded based on image EXIF data, saving time and ensuring an efficient workflow. This feature, however, requires a profile to have been created with Dfine 2.0 for a specific camera and ISO combination
Enhanced selective capabilities, include:
Control Points powered by U Point™ technology – This works via a single mouse click, where you place Control Points on an image and selectively adjust the amount of contrast (luminance) and color (chrominance) noise reduction.
Colors Ranges – by using an eyedropper tool to select colors, you can also reduce noise based on a range of colors. This method is ideal for batch processing a series of images.
Selective Tool – this works by using brushes allowing noise reduction to be applied selectively. For added control and fine detail adjustments, Dfine also supports pressure sensitive features optimized for Wacom® Pen Tablets.
Dfine 2.0 also has a newly redesigned user interface, which enables you to resize it (the interface) to match your workflow needs. The UI also features a new, unique Navigator Loupe which either shows details under the mouse or provides a bird's eye view of the current image. For more info read theDfine Press Release or the Product Page.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Lightzone 2.4
Lightzone 2.4's RAW tool now implements an exposure slider where can sometimes recapture about +1EV for some cameras by using negative exposure. It also features color noise removal and better white balance.
For more info on how tonemapper works, visit DOP, where there is a feature article on this excellent tool...
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Luminous Landscape - Learning The Language Of Our Art
Security Hole Found In Photoshop CS2 & CS3
The security flaw is related to the way Adobe Photoshop handles the processing of bitmap files, such as .bmp, .dib and .rle. A malicious file of these types, could allow an attacker to exploit the flaw to launch a buffer overflow attack. The resulting buffer overflow could then allow the intruder to take over the affected user's system. For more info visit silicon.com.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Photoshop Extended Awarded Vidy
Monday, April 23, 2007
Wacom Display Tablet For The Masses?
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Apple Release Aperture 1.5.3 Update
The Generation of thumbnails for adjusted images
Entering and exiting Full Screen mode
Working with large sets of keywords in the Keywords HUD
Restoring from a vault...
Among the specific issues that have been addressed:
Previews now update properly when images are sent to an external editor.- Leaf Aptus 22 and Aptus 75 images are now imported with the correct orientation.
When folders are imported as projects, the folder structure is now correctly preserved when identically named subfolders are included in the hierarchy.
Reconnecting referenced images that have been externally edited now works more reliably.
Setting the ColorSync profile in the Aperture Print dialog now correctly suppresses color management settings in the Mac OS X Print dialog.
Visit Apple for more information and to download the update.
Optical Heterodyning - Focus Correction
Optical Looks promising but also has shortfalls, please visit Refocus Photos for more info on the project and also Deblurring Flutter Shutter Camera on another interesting development from the same team.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Adobe Releases Camera Raw 4.0 and DNG Converter Updates
According to Adobe, "This version of the Camera Raw plug-in is provided by default with the Photoshop CS3 application and replaces the original Camera Raw plug-in that was installed with Photoshop Elements 4.0 (Mac Only), Photoshop Elements 5.0 and Premiere Elements 3.0. The Camera Raw 4.0 plug-in is not compatible with versions of Photoshop earlier than Photoshop CS3 or versions of Photoshop Elements earlier than Photoshop Elements 5.0 for Windows and Photoshop Elements 4.0 for Mac."
Visit the following pages for the Mac and Windows version.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Uninstall CS3 Betas Before Installing CS3 Release
Alien Skin Announces Mac Universal Updates
Monday, April 16, 2007
Adobe Begin Shipping CS3
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Moorman Polaroid For Sale On eBay
This photo what shot by Dallas resident Mary Ann Moorman on November 22, 1963 and in the shot you can also see the famous grassy knoll and Abraham Zapruder as he is making his previously mentioned home movie of the assassination. Ms. Moorman can funny enough be clearly seen in the Zapruder film as the lady wearing the blue coat.
This historical photo was shot with a Polaroid Land Camera Model 80A and although not in the best of conditions, you can still clearly make out what happens in the famous image. The large thumb print you can see over the rear of the car and one of the motorcycle police was a result of handling during the official investigation back in 1963.
Ms. Moorman and Legend Sales are placing the photo up for auction on eBay starting on Monday. Legend Sales are saying that the auction will run for 10 days, and that they are expecting the photo to bring in between $500K and 2 Million dollars. Ms. Moorman herself will authenticate the Photo. Thanks to Shane McGlaun at i4u for the lead.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
PDN Artistic Wedding Photography Gallery
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
OnOne Software Announce Photoframe 3.1 Update
PhotoFrame Pro 3 allows imageers to apply a wide variety of edge effects to any picture. The choices for customisation with PhotoFrame Pro 3 are extensive and varied. The available selection of border and edge effects such as drop shadows, bevel, glow, border and texture are also impressive.
For more info please visit http://www.ononesoftware.com/
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Pentax and Hoya Merger Scrapped
Sunday, April 08, 2007
NAPP Announces 2007 Guru Award Winners
The Guru Awards were created exclusively to recognize the innovation and creativity of attendees of the Photoshop World Conference. I would love to see what some of the other entrants work was like...
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Andy Frazer On Night Photography
ILEX Announce The Photographers Eye
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Creative Suite Pricing Petition
DOP Interview Roman Loranc
Monday, April 02, 2007
Digital Infrared Travel Photography Feature
Shorpy's 100 Year Old Photo Blog
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Breeze Systems
Alien Skin Eye Candy Effects Collection
These filters allow digital artists and graphic designers to create chrome, fire, smoke, lightning, clouds, comics and dozens of other effects with a single click.
These plug-in can be downloaded, including 30 day demos, at the Alien Skin Website. The Eye Candy Effects Collection retails for $399.
Third Public Beta of Photo Mechanic 4.5
Adobe & European Pricing Issues
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Upgrade
US £224 / $440
UK £465 / $912
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium Full
US £916 / $1,799
UK £1,409 / $2,766
According to Prodig, "Members of the AOP, EPUK, Hasselblad and German Freelance forums have all joined the bandwagon demanding reasons why pricing can be up to double that in the US." Come on, don't make us pay more because we're not American or you think you can get away with it ... I smell an investigation from the fair trade agencies...
Canon Updates Digital Camera Software
Updaters are available for Digital Photo Professional 3.0, EOS Utility 2.0 and ImageBrowser 5.8b/ZoomBrowser EX 5.8b, as well as a full installer for RAW Codec 1.0, which can be downloaded from any of the recent-model Canon digital SLR pages on Canon's Web Self-Service System website. For the updaters to run, you must have earlier versions of Canon digital SLR software installed.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
PhotoZoom Pro 2 now available
PhotoZoom Pro 2 comes as both a standalone application and as an export plugin for Adobe Photoshop. The plugin version is compatible with Photoshop CS3 and both it and the standalone version are Universal Binaries for Mac OS X.
PhotoZoom Pro 2.2 can be downloaded directly from Benvista, it is also available as a free update for registered PhotoZoom Pro 2 users.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Image Stack Feature WOW...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Adobe Photoshop CS3
Monday, March 26, 2007
Outback Print Launched
Like many photographers we do all the work to get a good print. The new site will be able to focus more and in depth on the complex subject of printing.
We also invite all readers to help us with useful information to make this site a central place on Fine Art Printing for Photographers. There is a lot to learn and many techniques to share. Let's go to work!
If DOP is anything to go by, it should be another must visit web site for serious photographers and artists.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Perceptual and Real Colour
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Digital Outback Photo Post Zion Portfolio
Lightroom Review At Digital Camera Review
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Andromeda Offering Discounts
Lightzone Discounted For Lightroom, Aperture & iPhoto Users
Camera Bits Announces Photo Mechanic™ 4.5 Update
According to the their press release, the new features in Photo Mechanic 4.5 include:
New resizable IPTC/XMP dialogs that also include additional IPTC and XMP fields such as Location, Scene, Subject Code, Intellectual Genre, Rights Usage, and Contact Info fields.Version 4.5 of Photo Mechanic is available as a free update for users who purchased licenses for Photo Mechanic on or after March 1, 2006 (or March 1, 2005 for educational licenses). Upgrades to Version 4.5 from older 4.x licenses will cost US$90. New licenses for Photo Mechanic cost US$150. For more info visit www.camerabits.com.
Ability to arrange photos in an arbitrary order, including across multiple folders.
A five star rating system, compatible with other applications such as Adobe Bridge, in addition to the existing color class labels. Plus a Remap command to convert color class labels to star ratings or vice-versa.
A new Live Slide Show command to watch a folder for incoming photos and display these in a slide show.
Optional sharpening of thumbnails and previews within Photo Mechanic and for JPEGs exported with HTML.
A new Show Map command to plot a photo with embedded GPS coordinates in a window using Google maps. *
Customizable multi-line thumbnail labels.
Tabbed contact sheet windows with the ability to move tabs within a window or to other windows (Mac only; the Windows version already has a single tabbed window).
A new tool for converting IPTC metadata between various character encodings (e.g. from Mac Roman to Microsoft Latin1+Euro) or to Unicode (UTF-8).
A new Ingest Progress window that combines all active ingest processes.
Preliminary support for Microsoft Windows Vista.
Monday, March 19, 2007
DOP Article On Getting Highlights and Shadows Right
New Releases From Lightroom and Photomatix
Photomatix have released Version 2.4 of their HDRI Pro tool. Form more info visit http://www.hdrsoft.com/ ... The update includes a numbers of improvements and bug fixes.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Post PMA Camera Reviews
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Around The Web - March 2007
The Online Photographer - An excellent, well written and informative blog on the art, craft and science of photography. One of the best in the world.
Night Photography Blog - From Andy Frazer, it is one of the best sites specialising in nocturnal and low light photography. Some interesting and informative articles.
Lightroom Killer Tips - a Blog from the NAPP and Adobe promoting education and information on the excellent RAW Image and Photography Workflow application from Adobe.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
OS X 10.4.9 Update Adds New RAW Support To Aperture.
Adds support for the RAW image formats of these third-party cameras: Leaf Aptus 17, Leaf Aptus 22, Leaf Aptus 65, Leaf Aptus 75, Leaf Valeo 11, Leaf Valeo 17, Leaf Valeo 22, Leica Digilux 3, Nikon D40, Pentax K10D, Pentax K110D, Pentax K100D, Panasonic Lumix DMC-L1, Samsung GX-1L.Visit Apple for more information, the Mac OS X 10.4.9 update is available via the operating system's Software Update mechanism, or as standalone updaters for Intel and PowerPC computers.
Improved Spot & Patch results: The update contains changes to Core Image that improve the visual correctness of images using Spot & Patch adjustment.
Reduces issues of temporary "black" Viewer: Mac OS X 10.4.9 addresses several issues that could cause the Viewer to temporarily turn black when displaying adjusted images.
GPS metadata is preserved when image versions are exported.
Incorporates all RAW file format compatibility and other imaging issues originally addressed in Digital Camera RAW Support Update 1.0.1. This update improved RAW file format compatibility for the Canon Digital Rebel XTi / 400D / Kiss X Digital, Nikon D80, and Pentax *ist DS. It also addressed the following issues: Handling of large Canon RAW files (.CRW); DNG compatibility on Intel-based Macs; Lines sometimes appearing in images exported from Aperture.
Printing Photos On Chocolate
Monday, March 12, 2007
DxO Optics Announce Standalone FilmPack
Sunday, March 11, 2007
ArcSoft Release Cut-It-Out
ACDSee Pro 2.0 Open Beta
PMA 2007 Show Picks
On the Hardware front, we saw a New D-SLR from Canon - the 1D MKIII, which features exceptionally fast shooting speeds, an immense image buffer, a Live View LCD, the EOS Integrated Cleaning System, a lens magnification factor of 1.3x and other features a photojournalist would kill for. Pentax Showed a 645 based D-SLR which would make most studio photographers salivate, but provided no firm date on delivery. Sigma showed their new Foveon chip based SD14 DSLR, another technology worth further investigation, equally interesting was the DP1 point and shoot they showed, which features the same sensor as the SD14. Canon also introduced the 9500, and A3 printer with 10 pigmented inks and another 24" printer with 12 pigmented inks.
On the Software front, Adobe showed the release version of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, which is winning fans all over the place with its designed for photographers workflow capabilities. Adobe also announced that there will be two versions of Photoshop CS3, one for existing users and an enhanced version for scientific and advanced imaging applications.
All told, it appears that there were some new products that were well worth the trip to Vegas ... maybe next year, I'll actually attend.