Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Pro-View - a remote viewfinder.

Pro-View has announced the launch of their wireless remote display for DSLR Cameras. The Pro-View Wireless Remote Display (WRD) uses a micro-color video camera and a 2.4 GHz transmitter in a custom enclosure that slips over the viewfinders eye cup.
This is similar in concept to the zigview but designed for remote as opposed to on camera viewing. I can see that with some kind of movable remote mount this would be great even for the purpose of surveillance. Wildlife photographers would definitely benefit from using the Pro-View WRD and with a remote release they'd be completely out of sight of the wildlife. Pro-View appear to have taken a page out of Zigviews book and are even using very similar language in their marketing. I do hope that the images of the product are based on a prototype, as they need to have some serious industrial design work done on the casing, because it is really ugly. At US $475, here's hoping ... visit for more details.

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